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Why build Sevwins Prep?
Our future leaders need it.

To understand 'why', start with understanding the source of passion for helping young people build character and life skills. Humble beginnings, impactful mentors and deep experience in education and competitive sports fuel Greg Moore's quest to make a difference in the lives of young people.

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In Greg Moore's words, why I built Sevwins Prep. 

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Teaching life-skills to students is my calling. There are so many students who need just a little encouragement. A little encouragement and teaching makes a big difference.

 When you work within the NCAA, as I did for 2 dozen years, you can’t give anything to students for free. It’s considered a recruiting advantage. I’ve guarded the desire to build this program and paused setting up structures because the rules don’t allow an NCAA coach to scholarship students. The setup is underway and ready to launch in January 2024. 

Younger years shaped my future.

When I grew up, we weren’t broke. But we were poor enough not to have electricity a few times a year until my mom’s paycheck came. About the same number of times the car would be gone until the payment was made again. 
She wanted us to live in a good neighborhood. So after my grandpa sold the house we lived in, she paid $950 per month for us move across the street. I thought that cost was crazy. We moved into an apartment nearer our price range, where we should have been the whole time. 
When I was 22, I wrote a life skills course as a Master’s final project. It was all the things sport and coaches taught me, that if others realized they were learning, would give encouragement to control their own lives. It was written with more gratitude than life experience at that point. 

College life struggles led to gratitude and opportunity.

The reason I was able to go to college and get a master’s was baseball. I also sensed that the lessons I learned from sport are just as important for non-athletes. That and some creative college living, in a few offices, locker room showers and working overnight security at the Sheraton Fisherman’s Wharf allowed me to go to college. My mom didn’t pay taxes for the years I was in school to make it work. I found that out years later when she was still paying back IRS penalties. She’s a saint as you may guess. 

Small, tough victories lead to happiness.

I’ve seen the gaping holes in current education from on campus. And when you’re in it for a long time it’s painful to see how the bureaucratic approach of modern Ed kills the soul of young people. They tell them to go out and save the whales but fail to show how the small, tough victories lead to happiness. 
Now I live in an expensive house that the bank owns, with a great wife, kids and a dog. I got the chance to do what we’re all doing, working ourselves to the bone so we can give a little to our kids. That’s good living. 

Future leaders spawn from humility and hunger.

I think poor kids need encouragement for the small wins that give humility and direction. The leaders in the next 20 years are going to come from low income, even ghettos. Those kids are humble and hungry. They’re just lacking access to a real game plan. My master’s thesis has grown, with a little tech into a class tested over 24 years. It just plants plants good seeds. Through trial and error, me and a smart friend with 20 years of tech knowledge, have figured out how to do this at about 1.5% the price of a private school.

Sevwins Prep is my best effort at giving back.

That’s the least I can do to pay back the opportunities I got. The goal is to reach 10,000 students over 5-years and 1 million one day. These are just the simple lessons that moms, sports and coaches teach. 
That’s the “why.”  
This will come together to elevate so many students. 

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© 2023, Sevwins Prep

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