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Results and learning that travels everywhere in life, sports and beyond.

Students commit to one night a week for 2 challenging 10-week semesters. Families are guided in the college selection process with a stream of info and perspective. The training is at no cost to the student or family. We reach the students who need it most. 

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Nothing is free in life.
It's time to
earn and learn.

Students EARN:

  • Sevwins Character Cup for completing the 365-day program

  • Admission to the Sevwins Prep Summit, an event delivered by leading professionals from various industries with a passion to teach transferrable skills.

Students LEARN:

​Delivered in the most innovative ways of learning, sport is a backdrop. The healthiest skills habits and values are learned in 3 ways. 


  • Socratic exercises 

  • Self-authoring program 

  • Out of class encouragement that reaches students where they are

Build the skills of a young CEO: responsible, productive, generous


Personal vision, mental skills and productive reflection lead to mastery


  • Personal Vision: Read, Train, Give 

  • Mental Skills: Concentration, Separation and Communication  

  • Reflection: Build-on successes. Work on challenges 

Commitment begins
with a contract.

We believe that good things can only be obtained by committing to the process. Brick-by-brick, a foundation of success gets laid. That's why we start each program with a contract. Here's the commitment that hungry learners should expect:

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I’m committed to winning the Sevwins Prep Character Cup! I am taking the 100 point challenge. 


For 20 weeks, I commit to make the penny decisions that lead to million-dollar moments.


  • 2 x per week I will receive challenging assignments: 

  • A reader with development stories and ideas

  • Short goal-setting prompts to help you plan 

  • Reflection exercises worth 2 points each


I am on my way to becoming more responsible, productive and generous. My goals, my assessment of mental skills and the ability to reflect on wins and losses preparing me to be strong and ready now and in college. 
This process will take 25 - 50 minutes per week, but will require steady effort over time. With honest responses I grow. With consistency I earn 2 points per week to win the 100 point- challenge and Character Cup.  My grade will be based on my honest answers and determination to finish this program and a college degree.  
At the end of my 100-point challenge, I will be more responsible, productive and generous with a score to prove it.


Sevwins Prep builds the mind, gives direction and clarity for my day, week and until the college degree is in-hand.  The adventure begins with my signature below.
Hungry Learner


Printed Name: 

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Start today.
Join the academy
that opens doors

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© 2023, Sevwins Prep

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